A Week In The Life of Us
We went to church. This is the heading of a topic a few months back, but what a great question. It made me begin to think: DO you hear? If so, WHAT do you hear?

Made a Paleo based quiche for the girls and myself for breakfast. It was yummy and I let them sleep in a bit. :)
Honey Bunny tried her hand at chopping onions. She's not big into cooking but she's taking a class from BYU on nutrition and eating disorders and wants to try more in the kitchen to become a friend of food. She felt that handling it, touching it and learning more how to prepare it means she will embrace it better. She's working on her favorite soup: Butternut Squash with a Cranberry Swirl.
Honey Bunny even chopped the butternut squash! Here, she is adding the squash to the coconut milk on the stove. The soup was delicious, by the way.
She is listening to C.S. Lewis' The Magicians Nephew while doing this exploration of money. If you aren't familiar with that story, it is the story BEFORE The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe; where Narnia is born.
Honey Bunny is creating a shirt stating there is "No Place for Homophobia, Hate, Racism" while listening to Tom Sawyer on her iPhone. She's on chapter 38 and discussing the irony and symbolism in the book and how it relates to our modern world.
Honey Bunny is working on her Oceanography class and had to create imaginary sea creatures and name them in Latin based upon their characteristics and species they would belong to.
The first two videos are Boo Bear talking about the clothes she is designing for her American Girl Dolls. She is measuring the dolls and the fabric to create outfits using a hot glue gun. Notice her attention to detail with the button perfectly centered.
The last video is our daily lunch dance party. We had family therapy a few hours later. The rest of the day was spent on crafts.
We hung out at the pool in the morning and discussed when we should close it; maybe the end of the month would be the best time. We relived our memories and decided we had to do some research on how to close the pool and what is needed to do so.
Hubby and I were having some heated discussions about tunnel gauges for Honey Bunny's ears and he is feeling frightened of what it will mean for her future. I am not. This is the quote I sent him.
Honey Bunny sent me this picture of a tattoo she would like to copy on my back to test her artistry. I love it.
The dogs lay together peacefully. I used this example of how acceptance and patience can lead to friendship and a wonderful relationship with Hubby to better understand Honey Bunny and what she is looking for from him.
Boo Bear had her first fillings. She was frightened, so Honey Bunny and I went in with her. I performed reiki and reflexology on her while the dentist worked in her mouth. Honey Bunny held her hand and made sure Boo Bear's headphones were in deep into her ears and the right music was playing.
Later that night was youth group for Honey Bunny. Hubby, Boo Bear and I went out to dinner where our waitress had gauged ears. Hubby took it upon himself her ask her pointed questions and learned that society has accepted the body modifications better than he expected.
9/11 is a VERY hard day for Honey Bunny and I. We didn't live far from the Twin Towers and it is still raw for us 13 years later. We took the day to be good to ourselves and listen to our bodies.
Boo Bear is making more AGD crafts after listening to Julie, the American Girl Doll. She is inspired by Julie's mom having a shop which up cycles items. While working on these crafts, she is listening to The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. She mentions to me that Asland sounds like Jesus. Hmmm..go figure. Deductions on her own which she's never heard before.
Listening to my body meant having chia seeds, soy yogurt and kale for lunch. Honey Bunny had therapy about an hour away and we stopped at a health food store for lunch. We sat outside on the ground, warming GF glazed donuts on our windshield in the parking lot. Honey Bunny ate a 1/2 block of Colby cheese. Boo Bear ate a yogurt and some potato chips. We did what felt good to our bodies. We sat in the sun, then the shade. We commented on how our life allows us to honor our feelings and be free.
Later that night, we ordered gf pizza. I wasn't up for cooking. I went home, had a glass of wine and a piece of vegan gf pizza. It was what I needed.
We went to church. This is the heading of a topic a few months back, but what a great question. It made me begin to think: DO you hear? If so, WHAT do you hear?


Boo Bear took it upon herself to learn about coins; how many pennies make up a nickel, dime and quarter as well as how many nickels make a dime, how many dimes and nickels make up a quarter, etc. She spent 3.5 HOURS on this concept and counted up to $38 on her own. I didn't ask her to do so, btw. She WANTED to.
She is listening to C.S. Lewis' The Magicians Nephew while doing this exploration of money. If you aren't familiar with that story, it is the story BEFORE The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe; where Narnia is born.

The last video is our daily lunch dance party. We had family therapy a few hours later. The rest of the day was spent on crafts.

Honey Bunny sent me this picture of a tattoo she would like to copy on my back to test her artistry. I love it.
The dogs lay together peacefully. I used this example of how acceptance and patience can lead to friendship and a wonderful relationship with Hubby to better understand Honey Bunny and what she is looking for from him.
Boo Bear had her first fillings. She was frightened, so Honey Bunny and I went in with her. I performed reiki and reflexology on her while the dentist worked in her mouth. Honey Bunny held her hand and made sure Boo Bear's headphones were in deep into her ears and the right music was playing.
Later that night was youth group for Honey Bunny. Hubby, Boo Bear and I went out to dinner where our waitress had gauged ears. Hubby took it upon himself her ask her pointed questions and learned that society has accepted the body modifications better than he expected.
9/11 is a VERY hard day for Honey Bunny and I. We didn't live far from the Twin Towers and it is still raw for us 13 years later. We took the day to be good to ourselves and listen to our bodies.

Honey Bunny went to a homeschool teen meet up where I picked her up early because a boy was being a butt-head spreading rumors about her. I had a....pointed and directed....monologue with him and told him he chose the wrong girl to mess with. She's not out here on her own, but instead has a strong family behind her and will not be his victim. I then picked her up, drove to his house and told his mother what happened. She and I are friends and I didn't want her to hear it through the grapevine what happened and how I handled it. I wanted her to hear it from me. She appreciated that. We hugged at the end of it and now it is in the hands of his parent's to take care of their son. But Honey Bunny learned (as well as the other kids at that group) that my girl isn't one you get to pick on b/c she has blue hair and a lip piercing. She is important, loved and supported.
I had a DDS appointment which lasted 3 hours. Honey Bunny woke up not feeling well and Boo Bear woke up 30 minutes before I had to leave. It was a flurry of breakfast and hydration. While at the DDS, a friend texted me and asked if she could pick up Boo Bear. Of course she could! Boo Bear spent the morning crafting with her big sister, I mean making up cycled items like Julie's Mom, and Honey Bunny spent the morning and afternoon resting, watching movies and taking care of herself.
I spent 3 hours with the friend's mom after the dentist, lost my wallet, found it and then went to Lowes with Hubby to pick out paint colors for the bathrooms to be painted this weekend. While there, he shared he's fine with the gauging of the ears and will be bringing Honey Bunny to the store to get them tomorrow as a surprise (if she's feeling better).
He has realized that agreeing with something and accepting it are two different things. That his opinion is valued, but is not allowed to control someone else's choices. He has learned that unconditional acceptance is more important than being the one who is "right and in the control position" as that has destroyed relationships in his past with his other children and he doesn't want that to happen again. Hubby has realized that relationships are a choice, not a given.
That's a week in the life of our clan.
It's been a good week of living, learning and loving.
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