Bras & Homeschooling
Let's be honest, dear Reader, your "girls" are not where you want them to be (if you haven't had them enhanced, reduced, or otherwise reconditioned by a surgeon). Chances are, after X amount of children and perhaps breastfeeding, your girls are a bit more toward the southern border than you want them to be. They are tired, worn and just not what you remember them to be.
Every morning, you wake up and IF you shower, look in the mirror and go: "ugh". Then, you begin the hunt for the right bra. I'm guessing you have at least 3 sizes of boob holders in your drawer. Probably some left over from nursing. If you are done nursing, is there truly any reason why you still need quick access to your nipple? Perhaps, they are your husband's easy access non-sexual bras? There is nothing sexy about a nursing bra, ladies. Nothing. Or, perhaps you have the old stretched out ones which have wire poking through and covered with a band-aid because you know we are never in a Target or Walmart where they actually sell bras in another department. Or perhaps you just hate them because they are uncomfortable. They don't fit right. They cause you to have back boobs or front quadruple boobs or maybe they cause you to have no boobs at all! Maybe they are too big and you float around in them and when you buckle your seatbelt across your chest you are left with this huge open expanse of what USED to be your breast and is now simply open air bra!
Homeschooling is like a bra. What?! How can I say that? Let's get real ladies (men, if you are reading this, insert Moobs for Boobs and play along). A good fitting bra makes us feel empowered, sexy, good, comfortable and most of all like Wonder Woman. Oh come on, be honest. WE all envy Wonder Woman!
I went bra shopping last night (didn't buy a thing but I'll get into that in a moment). I had the band-aid bra fix going on and only 1 bra that "fit me right." I went to be measured. I am proud to say that picture is of my ta-ta's in a Target bra. I'm a 32 C! I am finally out of training bras!!!! OMG! Yes! At 42 I have graduated out of training bras: only to now have one problem. Most manufactures figure only little kids wear a 32 and therefore trying to find a 32C leaves me, in the mall, at only 1 God forsaken store: Victoria's Secret! Want to know that b*tiches secret?! She charges $50 for a 32C AND $50 for a 40DD! WTH? The material to cover a 40DD nipple is the same as my 32C! REALLY? Oh wait, I digress.
Point is this: bra shopping is difficult for us all. Whether you are large breasted, small breasted, lopsided breasted, irregular shape breasted, one breasted due to breast cancer surgery or two breasted but one is larger than the other breasted-no one likes to go bra shopping because we fear two things:
1) They will hurt and not feel good.
2) They will be expensive.
Let's take on Fear #1: They will hurt and not feel good.
Okay, so you're on bra try-on number 5. You're tired of taking off your shirt and whipping on and off the over the shoulder boulder holders. There are so many choices to chose from : T-shirt, lacy, push-up, is a woman supposed to make a choice?
Ever feel like your homeschool choices are like bra shopping? There are SO many choices to chose from! Classical, Waldorf, Montessori, Eclectic, Unschooling, Radical Unschooling. How do you know which is best for you?
Let's apply the number one rule of bra shopping to the rules of homeschooling:
It must offer the right support and feel good
Easy enough to apply to homeschooling. Does your style of homeschooling offer you support? Do you find you have friends with like views? Do you find you wake up feeling refreshed each morning and look forward to starting your day (after that ever needed cup of Joe to wipe your bleary eyes clear)? Do you find that you can embrace your life, with all it's ups and downs, good and bad days and over all feel you are supported?
If not, change it!
That is the beauty of homeschooling. You aren't locked into one way of life. You can take off your "over the shoulder boulder holder" of whatever technique you are using and change it. Find one that is a "push up" style for YOUR way of life. You don't need to wear that "minimizer bra" for you and your child's education. You CAN wear that "increase by a size" bra for your homeschooling. Pump it up a notch! Go for it! The worst than can happen is Fear #2!
2) It will be expensive.
Okay, who said education was cheap?! NO ONE! Who said a good bra is cheap? Me. LOL Sorry. I hate paying $50 for a nipple cover on a larger breasted woman. Point is this: there are choices! Maybe if you are big breasted, you have to pay the bigger prices for better support and coverage. Cool. Me? I can go to Target or Walmart and buy the cheaper one because that will work for me. I'm only looking for some push-up and Mommy-Nipple Coverage.
That's the joy of homeschooling. It can be as expensive or as cheap as you make it. Yes, you are going to buy some supplies, some memberships, some workbooks which are a waste of money when you look back on it. Haven't you ever bought a bra and thought later: wrong purchase? Damn it, I can't even return the bra because I've worn it once or twice and it didn't wash right, etc.? Of course you have. Well, homeschooling is the same way. Great news is, you can try on others and try again.
Now, go for it! Go through your drawers of unused, unwanted educational things and run it by the kids. Maybe they've forgotten what's there. Maybe it will spark another passion for them. Maybe you will learn it didn't work for them int h past and it won't now either. That's okay. Throw it out. Throw out what doesn't work in your life (and your underwear drawer, btw..don't forget that). Make new choices. The worst thing that will happen is it won't fit and you will need to keep trying on new styles.
Ladies, your ta-ta's are not limited to only one style or color! Don't let your homeschooling be limited, also. Go for the gold! Go find that sexy, racy push-up homeschooling education which makes your kids cry out for more experiences and you wake up and grab the day by the horns and say to it: "Bring it on, life! I got this because I have the right support!"
Every morning, you wake up and IF you shower, look in the mirror and go: "ugh". Then, you begin the hunt for the right bra. I'm guessing you have at least 3 sizes of boob holders in your drawer. Probably some left over from nursing. If you are done nursing, is there truly any reason why you still need quick access to your nipple? Perhaps, they are your husband's easy access non-sexual bras? There is nothing sexy about a nursing bra, ladies. Nothing. Or, perhaps you have the old stretched out ones which have wire poking through and covered with a band-aid because you know we are never in a Target or Walmart where they actually sell bras in another department. Or perhaps you just hate them because they are uncomfortable. They don't fit right. They cause you to have back boobs or front quadruple boobs or maybe they cause you to have no boobs at all! Maybe they are too big and you float around in them and when you buckle your seatbelt across your chest you are left with this huge open expanse of what USED to be your breast and is now simply open air bra!
Homeschooling is like a bra. What?! How can I say that? Let's get real ladies (men, if you are reading this, insert Moobs for Boobs and play along). A good fitting bra makes us feel empowered, sexy, good, comfortable and most of all like Wonder Woman. Oh come on, be honest. WE all envy Wonder Woman!
I went bra shopping last night (didn't buy a thing but I'll get into that in a moment). I had the band-aid bra fix going on and only 1 bra that "fit me right." I went to be measured. I am proud to say that picture is of my ta-ta's in a Target bra. I'm a 32 C! I am finally out of training bras!!!! OMG! Yes! At 42 I have graduated out of training bras: only to now have one problem. Most manufactures figure only little kids wear a 32 and therefore trying to find a 32C leaves me, in the mall, at only 1 God forsaken store: Victoria's Secret! Want to know that b*tiches secret?! She charges $50 for a 32C AND $50 for a 40DD! WTH? The material to cover a 40DD nipple is the same as my 32C! REALLY? Oh wait, I digress.
Point is this: bra shopping is difficult for us all. Whether you are large breasted, small breasted, lopsided breasted, irregular shape breasted, one breasted due to breast cancer surgery or two breasted but one is larger than the other breasted-no one likes to go bra shopping because we fear two things:
1) They will hurt and not feel good.
2) They will be expensive.
Let's take on Fear #1: They will hurt and not feel good.
Okay, so you're on bra try-on number 5. You're tired of taking off your shirt and whipping on and off the over the shoulder boulder holders. There are so many choices to chose from : T-shirt, lacy, push-up, is a woman supposed to make a choice?
Ever feel like your homeschool choices are like bra shopping? There are SO many choices to chose from! Classical, Waldorf, Montessori, Eclectic, Unschooling, Radical Unschooling. How do you know which is best for you?
Let's apply the number one rule of bra shopping to the rules of homeschooling:
It must offer the right support and feel good
Easy enough to apply to homeschooling. Does your style of homeschooling offer you support? Do you find you have friends with like views? Do you find you wake up feeling refreshed each morning and look forward to starting your day (after that ever needed cup of Joe to wipe your bleary eyes clear)? Do you find that you can embrace your life, with all it's ups and downs, good and bad days and over all feel you are supported?
If not, change it!
That is the beauty of homeschooling. You aren't locked into one way of life. You can take off your "over the shoulder boulder holder" of whatever technique you are using and change it. Find one that is a "push up" style for YOUR way of life. You don't need to wear that "minimizer bra" for you and your child's education. You CAN wear that "increase by a size" bra for your homeschooling. Pump it up a notch! Go for it! The worst than can happen is Fear #2!
2) It will be expensive.
Okay, who said education was cheap?! NO ONE! Who said a good bra is cheap? Me. LOL Sorry. I hate paying $50 for a nipple cover on a larger breasted woman. Point is this: there are choices! Maybe if you are big breasted, you have to pay the bigger prices for better support and coverage. Cool. Me? I can go to Target or Walmart and buy the cheaper one because that will work for me. I'm only looking for some push-up and Mommy-Nipple Coverage.
That's the joy of homeschooling. It can be as expensive or as cheap as you make it. Yes, you are going to buy some supplies, some memberships, some workbooks which are a waste of money when you look back on it. Haven't you ever bought a bra and thought later: wrong purchase? Damn it, I can't even return the bra because I've worn it once or twice and it didn't wash right, etc.? Of course you have. Well, homeschooling is the same way. Great news is, you can try on others and try again.
Now, go for it! Go through your drawers of unused, unwanted educational things and run it by the kids. Maybe they've forgotten what's there. Maybe it will spark another passion for them. Maybe you will learn it didn't work for them int h past and it won't now either. That's okay. Throw it out. Throw out what doesn't work in your life (and your underwear drawer, btw..don't forget that). Make new choices. The worst thing that will happen is it won't fit and you will need to keep trying on new styles.
Ladies, your ta-ta's are not limited to only one style or color! Don't let your homeschooling be limited, also. Go for the gold! Go find that sexy, racy push-up homeschooling education which makes your kids cry out for more experiences and you wake up and grab the day by the horns and say to it: "Bring it on, life! I got this because I have the right support!"
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