PollyAnna's Day Off

To be truthfully honest, I do not feel like "Pollyanna" at all today!  I have so many Unschooler's blogs that say I should be grateful and happily do everything myself because I am a giving and loving soul.  OMG! There are days where that is true, but today is not one of them. I feel like Cinderella before she meets the Fairy Godmother and gets whisked off to the ball.  I am not feeling grateful for the floors I am sweeping.  I am not feeling grateful for the dishes I have been cleaning.  I do not feel grateful for the clothes I have been folding nor the 5 baskets of clean clothes, already folded, which have to be brought up 3 flights of stairs. 

No. I feel down right annoyed at it all.  I feel annoyed that I have dog hair to sweep.  I feel annoyed that I feel like I spend my life in the kitchen, cooking, cleaning, doing dishes, putting away dishes only to discover that once again it is time to start the feeding cycle again.  I feel annoyed that my children and husband have clothes to wear which I wash, fold and put in baskets to come upstairs.  Yes, they can all physically help out, but when I ask they get all snotty with me.

Most days, this does not bother me.  But, today, I am feeling very much like Cinderella.  Perhaps, I should begin singing as I continue to sweep the floors. Perhaps, a mouse in a little hat and jacket will come and join me.  Perhaps, I should start that nudist anorexic camp I often fantasize about...no cooking, no garbage, no laundry....of course, in New England this time of year that would be rather cold...and I would get hungry. *sigh*

There are just days where it all seems so not fair.  I want to do the "It's Not Fair Dance" and turn around in a circle, stomping my feet, swinging my arms and chanting "It's Not Fair" at the top of my lungs.  What is stopping me?  The chores...so back I go again.  But this time, on my gerbil wheel, I will try singing.  Maybe, if I'm lucky, my prince will return from his month away and whisk me off my broom to gallantly take me away.  Yeah, I'm dreaming!  LOL

Back to sweeping I go.  In the distance I hear laughter and the girls playing together nicely.  I am grateful they love one another and want to be together.  I suppose it is all good...now, if only that Fairy Godmother would come in and sing "Bippidy Boppidy Boo."  If she shows up at your place, can you please send her to mine?  Thanks!
